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Let's Break Down the Bard

Character Breakdown

House of Montague

Romeo - romantic, impassioned young man who falls in love with Juliet

Montague - head of the house, husband and father

Lady Montague - wife and mother

Benvolio - Romeo's thoughtful cousin and loyal friend 


House of Capulet

Juliet - naïve but intelligent young woman who falls in love with Romeo 

Capulet - head of the house, husband and father

Lady Capulet - wife and mother

Tybalt - Juliet's cousin, a fiery aggressor who staunchly upholds the feud


 Citizens of Verona

Mercutio - cousin of Prince Escalus, Romeo's witty friend who often criticizes or teases his romantic longings

Friar Lawrence - man of the Catholic religion, provides the plans for R&J and secretly marries them

Nurse - woman responsible for raising Juliet, often provides comedic relief while helping Juliet

Paris - a kinsman to the Prince and the man Juliet is intended to wed

Prince Escalus - Prince of Verona, threatens death in attempt to keep the peace in the city


Scene Breakdown


The Chorus sets the scene of Romeo and Juliet, including the place (two households, alike in 

dignity, in fair Verona where we lay our scene) and a general plot summary (a pair of star-crossed 

lovers take their lives). They set up a feud between the families of Montague and Capulet that begins long before the start of the play. 



When a fight breaks out between servants of the Montague and Capulet houses, Prince Escalus 

of Verona declares that anymore feuding between the two families will be punished with death. 

Benvolio and Romeo discuss Rosaline, an unrequited love interest of Romeo’s who has chosen 

remain celebate and become a nun; Benviolio vows to help Romeo get over his crush. 


Lord Capulet and Paris, a kinsman to the Prince, begin discussions of marriage between Juliet 

and Paris- Capulet invites him to a ball he is hosting later that evening. Meanwhile, Benvolio and Romeo learn about the ball from a servant who cannot read the invitation. Benvolio convinces Romeo to attend in order to overcome his love for Rosaline. 


Lady Capulet and the Nurse discuss Juliet, and the Nurse makes a series of teasing sexual 

innuendos from a story of Juliet’s youth. Although she is not quite 14, Juliet’s mother and Nurse try to convince her to consider Paris’ hand in marriage.


Benvolio and Mercutio try to convince Romeo to attend the ball and find a new lover, riddled 

with innuendos and jests, leading to Mercutio’s infamous Queen Mab speech. Romeo fears his attendance may result in his death but proceeds anyway.


Capulet ball. Despite being masked, Tybalt recognizes Romeo immediately by the sound of his 

voice; Lord Capulet warns Tybalt against fighting to maintain public appearances and not enact the word of Prince Escalus. Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time and fall in love. 



The Chorus comments on Romeo’s new growing love having instantly replaced the old and 

being requited; they also highlight the danger and “forbiddeness” of their relationship making the affair more tantalizing and sweet. 


After the ball, Romeo runs away from Mercutio and Benvolio, who return home after a short, 

unsuccessful search for him.


Romeo happens upon Juliet’s balcony and overhears her declaration of feelings for him. After 

professing their feelings for one another, Juliet promises to send a messenger to Romeo to confirm his commitment to marriage. 


Romeo goes to see Friar Lawrence and begs him to wed himself and Juliet. Despite his 

hesitations about Romeo’s flighty romantic endeavors, the Friar agrees in hopes to end the feud.  


At the top of the scene, Benvolio and Mercutio inquire about Romeo’s disappearance the 

night before; Mercutio jests with a series of double entendres he and Romeo throw back and forth. The Nurse brings a message to Romeo from Juliet, to which he responds by calling her to Friar Lawrence’s cell for their union. 


Nurse brings back Romeo’s message and Juliet leaves to see him at Friar Lawrence’s. 


Friar Lawrence marries Romeo and Juliet. 



Tybalt sets out to find Romeo and duel him. Instead, he first finds Mercutio who begins to 

taunt and jest. When Romeo arrives, he denies the duel, to which Mercutio and Tybalt begin 

to fight. Romeo draws his sword to break them apart, and instead gets in the way and gives Tybalt the opportunity to strike a fatal blow. With his dying breath, Mercutio speaks a curse on the houses of Montague and Capulet. Romeo and Tybalt proceed to duel and Romeo kills Tybalt and flees. Upon finding the bodies, Prince Escalus banishes Romeo from Verona. 


The Nurse breaks the news of Tybalt’s death to Juliet. While is sad over her cousin’s death, her 

true mourning is for her husband Romeo’s banishment. Her Nurse comforts her by promising to find Romeo and bring him to her to consummate their marriage.


Friar Lawrence informs Romeo that he has been banished and tries to convince him that that 

fate is better than death. The Nurse brings news of Juliet, along with a ring for Romeo. Friar advises Romeo to visit Juliet under the guise of night and flee to Mantua in the morning. 


The Capulets agree to wed Juliet to Paris in three days’ time, despite her current state of 



Romeo leaves Juliet after their wedding night with the hope to see her once again. Promptly 

after, the Capulets inform her of her upcoming wedding to Paris. When she refuses, Lord Capulet threatens to throw her out if she does not wed. The Nurse suggests that she forgets about Romeo after all and be grateful for a union to Paris. 



Juliet goes to Friar Lawrence for advice, and runs into Paris who acts as though they are already 

married. Friar concocts a plan with Juliet- she will take a sleeping potion on the night before her wedding to Paris and feign her death. Meanwhile, he will send word to Romeo so that they can save Juliet from her tomb and run away to Mantua. 


Juliet tells her parents she has gone to church and repented, and she will go through with the 

marriage after all. The wedding is pushed up a day.


Juliet is alone. She contemplates the possibilities of the plan, including everything that could 

go wrong. After she has a vision of her cousin Tybalt, she drinks the contents of the vial and 

falls into a deep sleep. 


The Capulet household is bustling in wedding day preparations. 


The Nurse and Capulets find Juliet’s “dead” body. The wedding festivities are transformed into 

a funeral procession. 



Balthasar brings news to Romeo in Mantua of Juliet’s death. Shrouded in grief, Romeo buys a 

lethal poison and rides to Verona, intent on killing himself and lying alongside her in death. 


Friar Lawrence discovers that the letter he sent to Romeo explaining the cause of Juliet’s 

“death” never made it to Mantua. He sends another one and leaves to the Capulet tomb in order to save her when she wakes. 


Romeo arrives at the Capulet tomb to find that Paris is already there. They duel and Romeo 

kills him. He finds Juliet and takes the poison, dying next to her. She awakes, finds him dead, and despite the Friar’s persuasion to leave, she stays and stabs herself, dying next to Romeo. In all the commotion, both houses are summoned to the tomb. Friar Lawrence explains the tragedy of what has occurred and the feud is declared to be over. 

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